Friday, November 15, 2019

Lady and the Tramp 2019

So, this is a bit unusual. I don't intend to use this site as a platform for film reviews. However this is a rather unique case as the subject matter parlays hard into what I'm modeling and is near and dear to me. Lady and the Tramp 2019 dropped on Nov the 12th on the Disney Plus streaming platform. I had already pre-ordered Plus so as soon as a free moment arrived (at 2:00 in the morning) I sat down and gave it a watch.

Before I start I want to say there will be some spoilers in this. I also will talk as if you have already seen the original 1955 film. At the end, I'll pass my own judgment and speak about how this will effect the W&A RR, or if it will at all.

So to start, let's talk about what the film got right. L&TT2019 pretty much follows the same plot as the 1955 film. It is one of the better live-action remakes since it keeps the focus on what made the original beloved, in this case it's the relationship between Lady and Tramp. However it takes the story and expands upon it. Creating new dynamics, characterizations, and plot elements. Overall, it wasn't bad. It actually was far darker then I was honestly expecting, but that worked in it's favor. I really appreciate that the writers chose to split off from the source material and tell their own story. This is not the original 1955 film, despite using the same premise. I would have been very disappointed if it was a scene for scene remake of the original. Which seemed to have been the ongoing trend for most of the Disney live action remakes. I have the original....I've seen it a thousand times. I don't need to see it again as a live action film.

There were some very beautiful moments. Tramp teaching Lady how to howl was a very nice addition. As well as the bit about the Tramp's history which really plucked on the heart strings. I really liked how we saw Lady and Tramp not just fall in love, but remain in love and have their moments of heartache as they were separated and were forced to face the incompatibility of their lifestyles. The musical score was fantastic and the art direction was just superb. The film captured life around the turn of the last century in a very rose tented Dsineyfied manner while still staying correct in regards to the fine details. The sets and visuals make for a very good looking movie.

The roundhouse scenes in particular were fantastic. L&TT2019's roundhouse used the Georgia State Railroad Museum's ex Central Of Georgia Roundhouse as it's set. The scenes of locomotives moving in and out of the roundhouse, and all the work going on was eye-candy. The roundhouse was both alive and full of activity when required, and dark and gloomy when needed. Much like a real engine house or service facility of the time.

The alternate ending for the shelter dogs was bold in how it addressed ACTUAL criticism of the previous version, and most of the acting was very good, with the biggest stand outs being our leading characters. Making Aunt Sarah and the dog catcher full on villains was an interesting decision, and one I really enjoyed as it brought a level of tension and stakes that the original film lacked.

So, let's talk about the bad....and there was some pretty heavy clunkers.

Nothing like a dark and gloomy engine-house...
For starters the whole thing felt VERY exposition heavy. It was almost like they were afraid to have the characters stop speaking for a bit. Part of what makes the 1955 film so good is it's calm pacing, and how it let's the animation, the characters, and the story drive itself along. Never do I have to be told what's happening. Not the 2019 film. Every single second seems to have some sort of dialogue exposition. While it does have a new plot with far more elements in play then the 1955 film, it tried to mix them with elements pulled right from the 1955 film. It seems to stumble with the overall execution between the two as it's very clear some of these decisions were made JUST to pad out the run time. The supporting characters in particular feel a bit sloppy and unnecessary at times. Honestly, if there was anywhere the film really was this.

Lady to the rescue, atop Central Of Georgia #223
The characters themselves are very different from their 1955 counterparts. I have to say that regrettably I find myself liking the original 1955 Lady and Tramp better then their 2019 upgrades. Lady isn't as graceful or as kind as she once was, and Jim Dear and Darling boarder on the unlikable at moments. Jim Dear seeming to have taken an IQ plunge. Add to it, despite the amount of time spent fleshing out their relationship, never did Tramp and Lady feel like they were in love. However, the worst change in my opinion is to the Tramp himself. Unlike the charming dog with a silver tongue who has built a reputation for not just surviving, but thriving on the streets. This Tramp is a cynical rouge who seems to be distrusted by his fellow street dogs. This had it's biggest impact on the dog pound scene, where the 1955 Tramp's reputation for leaving a trail of broken hearts is cast aside for a song and dance about how he's just a bastard. (Really? "Don't Expect Him At Your Beck and Call"....C'mon. He's a Tramp, and I hope he'll always stay that way.)

This change is the heaviest example of the political correctness that eeks into this film like an itchy blanket. The biggest and saddest change seems to be the result of the underlay of Lady becoming pregnant after her night with Tramp on the hill being just too much for today's “younger” audiences to take. Which removes a large part of the emotional journey Tramp and Lady take. The other result of this is the loss of Scamp, Annette, Collette, and Danielle. As Lady and Tramp did not spend their night together, therefor their litter never occurred. 

Much also has been made about the removal of Si and Am. However, their replacement by a set of tabby cats and their song "What a Shame" really isn't all that noticeable. Had the media not made a big deal out of it, it probably wouldn't have gotten much attention. It sure didn't do anything to the story or flow of the film.

When it was trying to be like the 1955 film, it seemed to fall on it's face. However, when it did it's own thing, it did it well. Thankfully, it did it's own thing 70% of the time and was a very well put together film. Take notes Disney. If you're going to do a remake, this is how you do it. Let the writers be creative, and tell a different story. It's not the 1955 film, and once one gets past that then the film actually does a decent job at telling it's story.

Careful up there Lady, the old girl is missing her boiler jacket.
So, in conclusion; it wasn't bad and it can stand up on it's own. However, it's not the 1955 film and when it embraces the fact that it's not, then it succeeds. However, when it tries to be the same, if falls very short. Overall, I would probably give this a 8.5/10. It's not as good as the original, and there is no need to rush and see it. But, your time won't be wasted watching it. Especially if you're like me and both love Disney films, the the original franchise.

Now, what does this mean for the W&A RR? Well, means nothing at all. Lady and the Tramp 2019 very clearly sets itself in a new world and a new cannon from both Lady and the Tramp and Scamp's Adventure. The latter two being the primary sources of material for my railroad. While I may include a small nod to the 2019 film, it's cannon is not what my railroad will be following.

On the flip side of the coin, to watch this film one has to get Disney Plus, which is very much worth it's money. The amount of Disney content suddenly available is borderline overwhelming. It's like one dynamited their way into the now obsolete Vault. Love them or hate them, Disney knows what they are doing. I'm very happy with Plus and am enjoying having a large number of my favorite classic and Renaissance era films available at my finger tips. 

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